My Kiddos

My Kiddos

Gracie - 6 Years Old

Triston 7 Years Old

Lucas - Dec. 15, 2009

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I can't believe that my baby boy is 8 - yes, EIGHT - years old today!! Time sure flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? I guess it's time for a few words to and about the most incredible kid that anyone on this beautiful planet has ever met...

Triston / T Mun / T / Handsome Pants / (You get the point),

I can't believe that you are already 8 years old, you are such a big kid! Although it's difficult, I am starting to accept that I can't keep you from growing up. I guess that I can let that go as long as you continue to become such a great person. You are my best friend, one of the 2 people in this entire world that can make me laugh no matter what, that can drain all negativity from me, that completely melts my heart. I've been thinking about advice to give that might help you continue to grow into a strong, confident, happy boy, and in my infinite wisdom ;) , 
this is what I have pulled together:

Think with your brain, act with your heart. There will be a ton of things to think about, to decide as you wander through life. You can’t possibly make good decisions all the time. That’s not the point. The point is, when you reach those moments where the decisions start to really mean something, three-step the solution. Gather information, learn what you can. Step back and let it simmer. Then listen to and act upon what your heart tells you is right. Whether it was the most logical decision in hindsight doesn’t matter. Remember that you can always correct course.

Laugh, laugh, laugh. Spontaneously, joyfully. 

Change is inevitable. No matter how much you love (fiery skull tattoos) or hate (broccoli) something today, no matter how sad or happy you are today, tomorrow brings an opportunity for something to new and different to happen. So enjoy the things you love today, dismiss the things you hate today, relish the happy moments when they happen, and grit your teeth and breathe through those tough times. But know that it changes. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Remember that you will never know joy if you have never experienced pain. Either way, we grow and move on.

Learn from you mistakes. Mistakes, like change, are inevitable. Admit and accept when you are wrong and apologize to those that you have wronged. You can’t very well have regrets if you've learned from every experience you’ve ever been through, good or bad.

Do stuff because it means something. It may take you a while to figure out what doesn’t really change how you feel and what activities and people make you feel deep-down, inside-out great. But when you do, find ways to do those things and be with those people as much as possible. That’s what matters. Not how much you have, but what you do and with whom. 

Oh.. and also, try not to use the word “whom.” Ever. It’s proper English, but, seriously, how many people who say whom do you really know…and like? 

Don’t smoke. Don't do drugs. A long, long time ago, people thought smoking was cool. the Marlboro Man hadn’t yet died from lung cancer. Now he has. Now we have more information. Now we know the truth. But, here’s the thing - it might seem fun at some point, but once you start, it’s really, really hard to stop. If you never start, you’ll never have to worry about quitting.

Give a lot, but don’t lose yourself. Maybe the coolest feeling you can get is when you give a lot, help a lot, do a lot for other people, without ever asking for anything in return. It just makes you smile inside. Cooler still is when you figure out ways to give without the other person even knowing it was you who did something nice for them. Do that as much as possible.

But, try not to define who you are by how you satisfy other peoples’ needs. You’ve still gotta be you, have your own personality, opinions, passions, ideas, creations and friendships. Because you’re worth it. So give a ton, but know it’s okay to receive, too.

Love. Say I love you, and mean it, as often as you can.

Where ever your path will lead you in life I will always be two steps behind cheering you on. We've come a long way, you and I. I love you so much, and wanted to say "Thank you," for best little bud a girl could ask for, and making me the person that I am. 

Happy birthday, to my sweet little man.